
Planet Saturn is the 6th from the sun, its distance from the sun is 1,426,7 km. Its mass is 5.6846 kg and has a diameter of 120.536 km. It rotates around itself in 10 hours and 14 minutes, and its revolution takes 29.5 years to complete. It has 60 moons; the biggest is called Titan and is terrestrial.
The planet itself is mostly made of gas and has a rocky core, there are also various traces of ice. Its rings are also very bright, and it is very cold there, about 220 because it is far from the sun. Saturn has seasons just like on earth because its axis is tilted.
A few fun facts are that it has the biggest rings of all the planets, and that those rings are extremely thin. It is also the fastest planet to rotate around itself, it does a full rotation in only 10 hours and 14 minutes. You can also not stand on Saturn because it is mostly made of clouds you would most likely float of swim. Scientists believe there might be life on one of Saturn’s moons because there is water.
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